*Bukan sponsored post*
Pernah minum Red Bull kan..? one of the famous energy drink besides Livita, M7(apekenamadiayangaaronaziztu), 100 plus etc..Slalu kita minum yang tin colour gold tu kan..skng kita ada yang baru..tin yang tinggi dan kaler biru-silver..
Tadi jalan2 nk g lunch, theres one modified minicooper dh jadi redbull car bagi try..baru la tau rupa-rupanya Redbull yg gold and this one are from two different companies tp still guna the same nama..yg gold tu from Thailand and this one is product fro Europe.
So, bila dh kne redbull ni..harap bertenaga la for the whole day kan..sedap and good la bila nk drive balik kampung! yeay!..
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Tu saje model Leta tengah gigih minum RedBull..jap agi duk mengarot je la ni kang..terlebih active nanti..haha..
This flavoured drink with taurine and vitamins is good for:
- top athletes
- busy professionals
- active students
- drivers on long journeys
Tgok promoter tu tadi..cool gak..lupa plak nk tanya..ada keje kosong ke tak..dapat minum redbull free..mahal kot ni..haha..dpt drive Mini Cooper lagi..haha
BTW, nk bagaitau..aku dah start sem dua dh..so sebab kelas dekat TTDI jadi kadang-kadang lepas kelas slalu la jgk lepak makan dekat area Uptown, Curve ke etc..so, aku nk share these tempat minum which aku rase cool and hipster dkt korang..aku pun tak pernah try lagi..so, moh la kita g sesame yer..
1) Chaiwalla Coffee (The Curve)
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Aku ni asalnya bukanla peminat coffee sangat tp maybe sbb sejak zaman blaja dulu slalu sngt berjaga and amik coffee..lama-lama jd addicted to caffeine.. aku kurang suka latte sbb dia mild sangat..aku lagi prefer mocha and sometimes, i take espresso..fuhh..masyukkkkkkk!
So, bolehla kita try sama-sama dkt Chaiwalla ni..tmpt pun best..harga dia dlm 6-8 rggit je which is affordable and reasonable..boleh ajak #chingu dtg sini.. and Aalia too..
2) Kulcats Cafe (TTDI)
Since aku ada kelas dkt TTDI, haruslah mencuba yg dkt situ kan..asyik tak jadi je nk pegi..hipster sngt ok..haha..Actually dekat area TTDI ni banyak coffee house and cafe yg cool..so boleh cuba one by one..plus kalo nk lepak pub pun banyak..Interlude, Duke & Dutchess...
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Ok..hingga ketemu lagi..
jangan lupa cuba k and share la tempat makan yg best2 lagi...kita #JJCM... hihi..
Btw, aku plan nk bawak my uncle's family and my nenek makan ahad ni..kt mane yg best dekat Shah alam yer...?hmm...
P/S: Ada ice cream baru (akuyangbarutahusebenarnya..duhh) nama dia Ben&Jerry..ada dekat Cold Storage..nampak yummmy gila..mcm lagi power dari haagen dazz..harga dia pun..huhu~
nadz gi bwk family ko mkn abc yg kite gi mkn dlu :)
haah la..menarik gak kan..kt situ pun ada nasi2 kan..
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